Transportation, packing and storage
Storage: forbidden allowed Blocks of cellular glass with or without coating, and cellular glass gravel can be stored outdoors, but under the canopy to avoid damage to the packaging. Blocks
More »Storage: forbidden allowed Blocks of cellular glass with or without coating, and cellular glass gravel can be stored outdoors, but under the canopy to avoid damage to the packaging. Blocks
More »Since the first day of the plant launch in Shostka we strive to achieve the best physical and mechanical properties of the product we manufacture. Today, we can proudly say
More »European certificate Nonflammability test protocol Nonflammability test protocol Nonflammability test protocol 1 2
More »Apartment complex Address: Hrushevskoho str, 9a, Kyiv, Ukraine Material: cellular glass blocks PINOSKLO, cellular glass blocks with bitumen coating, cellular glass gravel Additional services: delivery of cellular glass, supervision of
More »Cellular glass is an environmentally friendly thermal insulating material with unique properties and characteristics. No other thermal insulator isn’t equal to it on reliability and durability. An analog, which would
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